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Pokémon Vortex


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Status Updates posted by Assassin_Creed

  1. Training Absolto 50 million

  2. What West Indies won from India  in SEmi_Finals:o_o:

  3. Offering 7 normal scatterbugs and 5 legends for a Metallic Scatterbug.

  4. Just want Dark Scatterbug to complete the Vivillon set.

  5. Not able to evolve my Spewpa into Vivillon (Fancy)

    1. Mahendra7


      If its in ur team remove it and try again

  6. What does 1 unique scatterbug worth?

    1. Mahendra7


      It Mainly Depends on WHOM ur trading with if ur trading with me ill demand for unqiues dand some others ask legends or even events now

  7. Wow the wonder trade system is really nice.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Assassin_Creed


      I commented on Super Secret Event.You will get it there.

    3. Assassin_Creed


      Lol  ESdT18z.pngjust now.I'm lucky.:D

    4. kieshara


      i got zekrom 

  8. Admins and mods I'm trying to save a signature of 500*300 but it says that 

     I am unable to do this so please someone help me.
    1. Sneezeball


      resize your picture

    2. Assassin_Creed


      I did 300*200 but it still says that. Thats the main problem.

    3. Sneezeball


      Well you are doing something wrong thats obvious. Check your picture again

  9. Can anyonone PM me here I am getting bored.

    1. StarPonyta20


      View my recent statuses. Then you might have something to do.

    2. Assassin_Creed
    3. StarPonyta20


      Just refreshed the important one, so you can check again if you want. Just don't expect an immediate reply; I'm going to be on and off all day.

  10. Can anyone teach me how to make signatures?

  11. Guys I am back in forums after a long time because of my exams and I am surprised to see that my reputation has turned from 32 into 1.

  12. Whats this completed my last Pikachu and went to tha event centre in the last minute and its showing the event ended.

  13. Sorry WIKI editors and admins:sigh:,I did some mistakes making Zekrom and Onix Wiki feed.Can any1 edit that thing please?

  14. Bye guys going to a party with my friends.

  15. Did around 85battles with my Shiny Pichubut still it doesnt have 3 hearts.:T_T:

  16. Last day for the Assassin giveaway#1!If u have not entered enter fast.

  17. Admins can anyone write in Pokemon Wiki?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Assassin_Creed


      Can you just help me out with that.

    3. Sneezeball


      Just press edit. You cant edit front page.

    4. Drawnzer


      Everyone can, yes. But please do no edit already edited pages unless you have something significant to add.

  18. How to upload images from Pokemon vortex?

  19. I will go to Greece next week.Yay, but will miss Forums.

    1. StarPonyta20


      Congrats! I've never even been outside of America...

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