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Discord Quiz reminder

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On 4/22/2019 at 5:17 PM, Auke1993 said:

There is a quiz every hour, on the hour.
Everyone that is online is pinged 30 seconds before the quiz starts as well.
I'd say that's a good reminder.
What kind of reminder were you thinking of?

It once gave me a reminder 30 secs after the quiz started, not before.

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1 hour ago, Tritre said:

It once gave me a reminder 30 secs after the quiz started, not before.

I've never seen that happen.
There is a 'here' ping 30 seconds before the Quiz starts. This happens in the quiz channel.
Any other pings may be from other players who want to remind you to join, although I'm unsure why that'd happen as you should already have obtained a ping just before that.

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