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Have a Shiny Meltan, Looking for Offers

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Title says it all. I have a shiny meltan and whoever offers the highest will get it. Note that there is currently only 186 in game and only 5 have ever been sold. My IGN is LiteNite. I won't accept too soon in order to see what all the offers are. shiny meltan

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5 hours ago, LiteNite said:

Title says it all. I have a shiny meltan and whoever offers the highest will get it. Note that there is currently only 186 in game and only 5 have ever been sold. My IGN is LiteNite. I won't accept too soon in order to see what all the offers are. shiny meltan

i can give 2 legendaries of ur choice (except xerneas and mega rayquaza)


Edited by SAMUEL.D.S
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6 hours ago, LiteNite said:

Title says it all. I have a shiny meltan and whoever offers the highest will get it. Note that there is currently only 186 in game and only 5 have ever been sold. My IGN is LiteNite. I won't accept too soon in order to see what all the offers are. shiny meltan

I can offer 3 Arceus (except Arceus water) or more if u want check out my Profile IGN-V7xyz

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