TheBedPotato Posted January 25, 2021 Share Posted January 25, 2021 (edited) How to Read The Lvl 6 Immune Damage ListMax Damage dealt Trainer you need to use - Move you need to use against the Trainer Pokemon you need to use Lvl 6 Immune Damage List Spoiler Require Evolution Item Spoiler 66 From 52 (with % chance) to 66 FlyingSoda - Acrobatics + Razor Fang = 57 From 30 to 57 TrainingXerneas - Moonblast + Sachet = From 24 to 57 TrainingXerneas - Moonblast + Sun Stone = 54 From 24 to 54 TrainingXerneas - Slurpuff + Whipped Dream = 52 From "Garbage" to 52 TypeNormal - Fling + Oval Stone = 48 From 30 (with % chance) to 48 TypeGround - Dig + Metal Coat = 45 From 33 (with % chance) to 45 TrainingDarkrai - Night Slash + Razor Claw = 36 From Unusable to 36 TypeGhost - Ominous Wind (Female)+ Dawn Stone = 40+ Damage Spoiler 68 ItsLitleo - *Fire Fang* 57 TrainingDarkrai - Foul Play 54 PotatoBaile - Revelation Dance (Fire) TrainingWoobat - Revelation Dance (Psychic) TypeGhost - Revelation Dance (Ghost) 52 FlyingSoda - *Poison Sting*/Quick Attack PotatoMilcery - Fling 48 FlyingSoda - Drill Peck PotatoBeldum - *Zen Headbutt* TrainingXerneas - Dazzling Gleam TypeGround - Dig 45 TrainingDialga - Gyro Ball TrainingPumpkaboo - Horn Leech 42 TypeGround - Magnitude 30+ Damage Spoiler 39 FlyingSoda - Chatter PotatoMantyke - BubbleBeam TrainingFrillish - BubbleBeam TypeGhost - Hex TypeGround - *Bone Club*, *Mud Bomb* 36 FlyingSoda - Aerial Ace, Wing Attack, Pluck PotatoAron - *Rock Tomb* PotatoMinior - Ancient Power TrainingDarkrai - Beat Up, Bite, Feint Attack ** TrainingTropius - Magical Leaf TrainingWoobat - Heart Stamp TypeGhost - Shadow Punch TypeGround - Bulldoze 33 FlyingSoda - *Air Cutter* LitwickTraining - Fire Spin PotatoSneasel - *Icy Wind* TrainingDarkrai - *Snarl* TrainingPumpkaboo - *Razor Leaf* (All) TypeGround - *Mud Shot* 32 TypeGhost - Sucker Punch TypeNormal - Sucker Punch 30 PotatoOnix - *Rock Throw* PotatoDedenne - Parabolic Charge PotatoDurant - Fury Cutter TrainingDarkrai - Assurance TrainingDialga - *Gear Grind* TrainingXerneas - Draining Kiss TypeGhost - Night Shade 20+ Damage Spoiler 27 *NEW* - *Mud Bomb* PotatoIndeedee - Psychic TrainingTropius - Bullet Seed 26 TypeNormal - Knock Off 24 FlyingSoda - Gust Normal_Unit - Reversal *NEW* ... PotatoOnix - *Rock Tomb* PotatoCleffa - Magical Leaf, Mega Drain ... PotatoMilcery - Bite TrainingDialga - IronHead TrainingPumpkaboo - Mega Drain TrainingXerneas - Fairy Wind (All) TypeGhost - Bite, Shadow Sneak TypeNormal - Bite, Thief, Brutal Swing, Feint Attack (All) 21 FlyingSoda - Peck TypeGround - *Sand Tomb* 20 Normal_Unit - Jump Kick Garbage Spoiler Because of the lack of damage from these Pokemon they are not viable to use as lvl 6 immunes unless you train new moves on them For that reason I will not be updating this column However the info can be found in the Excel Sheet: 18 16 15 14 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Training Account List Spoiler These are all the Trainer accounts on the list I advise you to follow all the accounts for a quick and easy way of battling them FlyingSoda ItsLitleo LitwickTraining Normal_Unit PotatoAron PotatoBaile PotatoBeldum PotatoCleffa PotatoDedenne PotatoDurant PotatoIndeedee PotatoMantyke PotatoMilcery PotatoMinior PotatoOnix PotatoSneasel TrainingDarkrai TrainingDialga TrainingFrillish TrainingPumpkaboo TrainingTropius TrainingWoobat TrainingXerneas TypeGhost TypeGround TypeNormal More can be added to this list if the Training Accounts in the "Needed Help for Training Accounts" tab * Notes * Spoiler All Pokemon with a move that have a percentage chance are not consistent in the amount of turns it would take to defeat the Training Account and because of that are equal with lower damage dealing Immunes. For example:Deals 42 Damage to TypeGround Consistently and will take 60 turns to defeat the Trainer (W/Out Crit's) ButDeals 48 Damage to PotatoBeldum at a 90% rate so on average it will take 60 turns to defeat (W/Out Crit's) * Poison Sting - There is a 20% chance the target will be poisoned. Once the target is poisoned it will take 48 damage from poison + 4 damage from Quick Attack =52 * Fire Fang - There is a 10% chance the target will be burned. Once the target is burned it will take 48 damage from the burn + 20 damage from Fire Fang = 68 *- Must evolve with an Oval Stone (5k PD in Pokemart) * Fire Fang - 95% accuracy * Zen Headbutt - 90% accuracy * Bone Club - 85% accuracy * Mud Bomb - 85% accuracy * Rock Tomb - 95% accuracy * Air Cutter - 95% accuracy * Icy Wind - 95% accuracy * Snarl - 95% accuracy * Razor Leaf - 95% accuracy * Mud Shot - 95% accuracy * Rock Throw - 90% accuracy * Gear Grind - 85% accuracy * Sand Tomb - 85% accuracy * Bounce - 85% accuracy * Metal Claw - 95% accuracy * Hyper Fang - 90% accuracy FAQ Spoiler What are Immunes? They are Pokemon that take 0 damage from certain types of moves Why would I want lvl 6 immunes?Many Reasons 1. They provide a great way of making Pokedollars... When used against the listed Training Account and upon completion you can gain between 25k and 200k Pokedollars 2. They provide a easy way of boosting your accounts total/Average exp on the Global Top Trainer and especially on the seasonal Top Trainer 3. They are a great way of training other Pokemon. Just put the Pokemon you want to train in the first slot and the lvl 6 Immune in the second slot. If the Pokemon in the first slot is lvl 6 both pokemon will level up to 56 upon battling the Training Account. 4. They can be sold/traded to other players trying to obtain them for Pokedollars, Pokemon, Etc. If you wish to do this the best way is to join the PokemonVortex Discord and use the Trade Channel. What does the *New* mean? It means the Pokemon in that category don't have a training account yet and would be new. I am done making training accounts so if you want to fill it in I put the details in the "Needed Help for Training Accounts". If you end up making a training account from below let me know so I can update the Excel and this forum post. Do you have a Spread Sheet for all of this?Glad you asked. Here yah go: Needed Help for Training Accounts Spoiler I no longer have interest in making new training accounts... But if you would like to contribute the accounts left are: could go from 36Dmg to 48Dmg with a training account withwith Psychic Moves. Could go from Garbage to 27Dmg with a training account withwith Ghost Moves could go from %85 21Dmg to 24Dmg with a training account withwith Electric Moves. could go from %95 15Dmg to 24Dmg with a training account withwith Poison Moves. could go from 21Dmg to 24Dmg with a training account withwith Ground Moves. could go from 12Dmg to 24Dmg with a training account withwith Electric Moves. could go from Garbage to 24Dmg with a training account withwith Dragon Moves. Edited February 15, 2021 by TheBedPotato Add and Remove 4 3 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
foodviro2.0 Posted January 25, 2021 Share Posted January 25, 2021 I have a question what does the New mean on the spreadsheet Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheBedPotato Posted January 25, 2021 Share Posted January 25, 2021 11 minutes ago, foodviro2.0 said: I have a question what does the New mean on the spreadsheet It means I am in process of making training accounts for them Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
foodviro2.0 Posted January 25, 2021 Share Posted January 25, 2021 3 minutes ago, TheBedPotato said: It means I am in process of making training accounts for them Oh thanks Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...