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Ultra Rare Pokémon Up for Trade

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Hi There,

I got a bunch of ultra rare Pokémon up for trade. Do not try to scam me because I've been playing for a while and if I see that you tried to scam me, I won't accept any of your offers afterwards fair or not. Happy Trading! My IGN: LordZeus21.

The Pokémon up for trade are: 



Shadow DarkrownShadow GiratinaShadow RegiceShadow ZapdosShadow Shaymin



Metallic HeatranMetallic ReshiramMetallic Registeel



Dark Charizard (Mega X)Dark RegirockDark Entei



Mystic RegirockMystic ShayminMystic Kyogre<--- The Mystic Kyogre is 400k exp and 4 friendship hearts to I am expecting more



Shiny DragapultShiny DuraludonShiny ExcadrillShiny GyaradosShiny MewShiny RegigigasShiny RegisteelShiny Zygarde


Lets Do It GIF by memecandy


Edited by LordZeus21
Shadow Zekrom has been traded
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1 minute ago, red_wolf_ said:

hey would a DratiniceandLatioswork?

Well Dratinice is an event pokemon but it is still not enough. The only pokemon I am interested in is your Shiny Mega Gengar or your Shiny Lycanroc Dusk. but other than that I am not interested in anything else. 

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4 minutes ago, LordZeus21 said:

Well Dratinice is an event pokemon but it is still not enough. The only pokemon I am interested in is your Shiny Mega Gengar or your Shiny Lycanroc Dusk. but other than that I am not interested in anything else. 

sorry both of them aren't for trade 

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