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Pokémon Vortex

Pokemon Trivia Giveaways! pt2

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-Only a maximum of 10 people can tie on a question before nobody wins anything

-Edited answers or answers posted after the due date will not be counted, posting multiple answers will also cause all answers to become invalid

-If you don't claim your prize by the next week you will lose it and it will be put back up as a prize for others

-I will not be providing much help if you get the questions wrong so please try your best and read the question carefully

-When answering a question you do not need to provide all the details ie:what pokemon has the most evolutions? you do not have to name every eeveelution to answer


1st place:Darkrown2nd place:Shaymin (Sky)3rd place:Shiny Garchomp4th place:Shiny Chandelure5th place:Shiny Fraxure


1.What is the only fire type that can learn powder snow?                                      6.Besides Shedninja, what pokemon has the lowest base hp?

2.Which move is known/can be learned by the most pokemon (excluding struggle) 7.What wild pokemon can be found at the highest level?

3.What is the smallest pokemon?(multiple answers)         8.What basic pokemon has the most resistances and immunities(excluding abilities)?

4.What is the only wild pokemon that can be found holding light clay?                   9.What pokemon gains the most weaknesses upon evolution?

5.What is the only non leggy genderless pokemon that can learn attract?              10.Which evolved pokemon has the highest catch rate?


(I have altered the rules and questions a bit to prevent too many ties. please tell me if i need to make some more changes to improve the event)

Edited by Terani
please ignore the wonky text it all wouldn't fit that well
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