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4 hours ago, Leogamer11088 said:

 I will give 100,000 and a Lugia to the person who can make me a logo that says leogamer11088 and is neon green or rainbow please consider making me one I really need it i will even give extra stuff if u want it.

Rainbow lol lgbtq

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20 hours ago, shoomania said:

Ok so it has to be a animated logo?

No, but if you want to animate it i’ll give you a better chance!


17 hours ago, kaylee000 said:

Q3YbfgGvu-uJ99m444QsHsq7GdhJLv8Bv8aK4VDB   is this good

Yes, but im going to wait for other people to make their design! Good job though :D



Okay so I said in the contest that I would give a Lugia and 100,000 I don’t no how i’m going to give 100,000 as its not a feature in pokemon vortex I not going to lie so i’m going to give something else in place of the 100,000 Any Ideas???

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2 hours ago, Leogamer11088 said:

Ok, when you asked me if you have to animate it i said no but ur logo is really good so, if you want to animate it i’ll throw in a Ho-Oh Ho-Oh

Wait so I get the prize, and I'm sorry I'm actually going to be travelling some time so I'm gonna be pretty busy, so I can't improve it in any way right now

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