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its wild that the owner has privilege to use special characteristics lol. Now i understand that if you say its just for you, but then again i think A lot of people would appericiate if we could have the same privilege. Just sayin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • T-rubbish 1
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  • Developer

It’s really not that “wild” lol.

Three forum topics about this same thing is wild.

What’s more wild is that you can’t let this go that I have a Charizard with a Japanese name; something purely cosmetic that doesn’t affect you or your account/play one bit.


This reads more like a troll complaint than an idea/suggestion.

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  • Developer

Nothing is wrong with wanting it but nothing about what you said just asked for the ability to use special characters in Pokémon's username, the opening line is a complaint that a developer of the game has access to something you don't.


Anyway, this is why it will not happen:

  • We do not have multi-lingual staff and nicknames are manually moderated, meaning moderators would now have to spend extra time translating names from Japanese, Arabic, etc to English to make sure they conform with nicknaming rules.
  • The database does not support these characters, the nickname on my Charizard would disappear if I rebooted the database server.
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