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Pokémon Vortex

A Wonder Trade For Legendaries Only

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How about we have a separate wonder trading machine only for legendaries .

Also, in that we should be able to trade normal and unique legendaries seperately!!

I think we  can even make something like this for events also - ( not really a good idea to wonder trade events I guess :P )

I know that this is an easy thing for me to say but a big task to implement it in vortex :)

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Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of wonder trade?

I always thought that the whole point of wonder trading was the anticipation of what we were going to get. The fact that the other pokemon could be anything was the fun part. It could be a legend, it could be an event, it could be a map poke.

If we have wonder trading just for legends, then it wouldn't be that fun anymore because we would know that the other trade would always be a legend.

Just my opinion, feel free to comment.

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Pretty much defeats the purpose of Wonder Trade. Wonder Trade is where you put a Pokemon up for trade never knowing what you will get.

If your looking for  specific Pokemon, simply keep it in the regular trades. If someone is then interested, let them know what you want for it.

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On ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 0:42 PM, rishivojjala014-2 said:

@starphoenix @sportsandmusic69

U ppl have a point ,

but what about the ppl  with a lot of the same normal legends , if no one needs it what would they     do ?? This would be useful for them right :)

If they put the pokemon UFT, and someone who is searching for those pokemon UFT will find it, then PM or offer about the pokemon. WT is a fun idea that should stay the way it is.

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14 hours ago, glaceon001 said:

If they put the pokemon UFT, and someone who is searching for those pokemon UFT will find it, then PM or offer about the pokemon. WT is a fun idea that should stay the way it is.

Yup I agree wonder trading is fun cause we may feel that we can get anything from legendaries to map Pokemon , but don't u think ppl will stop putting legends to wonder trade if they just get  pokemons like normal scatterbug :(

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