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Patrick last won the day on May 28

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About Patrick

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  1. Hi Pat. This is StarPonyta20's alt that I forgot existed. I heard that I was not banned by any of the staff members - instead, someone hacked a Mod's account and banned me without reason. Is there any way to erase the ban, or must I just start over? Because I'm sick and tired of using Leida's account. She's never even here anymore, goodness.

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    2. GodsWithin



    3. EeveeFlare4ever


      OK, thanks, Sam. And on which of his half a million accounts, Sneezeball? Thank you as well, BK, I do hope to resume "spamming," as you called it, shortly. V, I choose to ignore the four different things you called me (I think I'm sick enough of everything to not even care anymore, so save your typing time. Just trying to help a fellow human being in saying that like any decent person would). Welp, off to go create a new account because I really just hate this one (if I may, that is? I wouldn't be using this one anymore, @sportsandmusic69).

    4. GodsWithin


      Just to help out, and if any one else has such a question in the future...You do realize you could have created a new account anyways and just used that one instead of doing what you just did. And you can use PMs too... :) 

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