Personally I would choose this one because of the caterpie Christmas, the pokeball set and the rotoweens. Keep in mind that there are less caterpie Christmas than trere are rotodex. this is just my opinion but that is what you are asking for.
yes but add another arceus so I will have 1.95 M. added to the 325,373 my swampert already has for a total of 2.275 M. but I'm fine with only 2.25 M.
Does this all add up to you
Just shinies I have Shiny Cobalion, Shiny Mew, Shiny Terrakion, Shiny Virizion, Shiny Yveltal, Shiny Victini and Shiny Kyurem I am willing to give up to 5 of them depending on what you want.
I consider events to me much more valuable than fossils buddy. I could do a togeween or 2?
I also have a metallic zygarde cell what can you trade for both. (and yes I know that I am not getting Pikachu jedi or Pikachu Christmas)