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About AndreReturns

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  • Birthday 02/15/1995

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  1. @Patrick Hey what is this if yu don't want to start the event don't start as your mods always have an excuse they say "lord Pat is busy for v4" And if you are not so busy can you just tell us the reason.  

    I don't think so doing work on v4 is so much hard as we all know it will also be  started late mind my words pleasee...........!!! .

    1. sportsandmusic69


      I think you're forgetting some key details.


      1. Patrick doesn't have to do anything. It's his site.


      2. I haven't seen anyone saying he was busy, but I guess you know his whole life schedule then huh?


      3. He'll start it when he logs into the database to start it.


      So next time, try to be a little patient, instead of feeling entitled to things and being rude.

    2. AndreReturns


       ha see i know i can't go against him  because if i do @Uncle_Psychic will kill me and getting late by 1-2 days ........damn

    3. sportsandmusic69


      Oh and just to let you know, coding is not easy and extremely time consuming. So please, get off your high horse and chill.

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