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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by pollencomvet

  1. thanks i found this there helped me
  2. Hey is there any link for how the seasonal points work i have got 15-17k points in this seasonal but im not on the leaderboard 


    so how does it work? 

    1. strayaZilas


      Hi, just wanted to clarify a few things in case it helps:
      the "points" on your profile page aren't related to seasonal points, they're two different things, so if you've gained 15-17k points there, that doesn't mean you have 15-17k seasonal points for this month.

      At least one new pokemon has to be caught, and at least one battle has to be won in the month to appear on seasonal regardless of how much you've done in other areas.

    2. porymon


      you can check your current seasonal rank on disc #bot-commands by doing !card <your IGN>

  3. hey i have a question about the seasonel leaderboard i have in this season got 15k-18k points but im not in the top 100 in seasonel leaderboard so if its not the points it goes for what is it then?
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