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Status Replies posted by Lunchbox

  1. The moves on this Pinsir aren't very good, but the highest CP I've seen and caught. CP: 621.

    1. Lunchbox


      I've caught a Kingler at 772. Come at me. Mud Shot and Water Pulse. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Just caught myself a Pikachu on Pokemon GO. @Patrick @Lunchbox

    1. Lunchbox


      Same here. I'll probably wait until tomorrow to update, cause I'm gonna be out all day catching stuff today. Gotta take advantage of that weekend. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Just caught myself a Pikachu on Pokemon GO. @Patrick @Lunchbox

    1. Lunchbox


      I've seen one today. My buddies and I were on the highway and couldn't stop for it though. So sad. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. If anyone see's Chris_. Please return him to us. He was last seen running into the woods chasing a Gastly in Pokemon GO.


    If found, please call: 1800PKMNVortex


    $5 reward if found and returned.

    1. Lunchbox


      [14:48:26] [� Lunchbox] Almost as sad as walking into the woods to get a Gastly
      [14:48:32] [� Lunchbox] then losing connection
      [14:48:33] [� Lunchbox] kappa
      [14:49:34] [Chris[mobile]] FeelsBadMan


      Where's my money? I want it in Pokécoins.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. A Vileplume just got away from me on Pokemon Go.. FeelsBadMan

  6. Just a heads up, there's rumors going around that Pokemon GO might be released sometime tomorrow (July 6th). Be ready just in case it does.


    My question for you, what team will you join? Red, Yellow, or Blue?

    Yellow here.

    1. Lunchbox


      The Americans who have it are using... ALTERNATE methods of downloading it. Still not officially available. 

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  7. And they said I was banned Pfft o4rel

    1. Lunchbox


      I resent that. I'm not as well practiced as you yet. 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. hey, look, listen, watch out ;) 

  9. hey, look, listen, watch out ;) 

  10. Holy!! OMG Blackbeardt The great Blackbeardt has been banned...#1 richiest player :o

    1. Lunchbox


      BBt himself to the rescue, inspiring all with his greatness :P

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  11. Maintenance topic has been updated again. (Not for extra time, don't worry)

    I would actually rather leave the game down entirely until I'm 100% done but I know a lot of you have waited all weekend to get back on and play and it's not fair you haven't been able to because of the minority of cheaters. This isn't my favourite kind of maintenance, I'd much rather be working on content updates but keeping the game clean is just as important in my eyes and I hope yours too.

    I also hope this will start to hit people's realisation in how serious I am about fair play, I do not take it lightly and look forward to more people taking this on board.

    Don't forget, when the game is back up, you will need to do a battle or catch a Pokemon to update your points and experience :)

    1. Lunchbox


      To those having issues:

      My points didn't properly update either after beating a few wild Pokemon and catching one. As @Patrick said, battle Brock. Specifically battling him fixes the issue. 

    2. (See 52 other replies to this status update)

  12. I've updated the maintenance topic. It's going to take a bit longer than I had expected so I'm taking another day on it.

    I understand a lot of you are eager to get back on and some of you are annoyed with what it is I'm actually doing but just remember. What I'm doing is for all of your benefit. No one likes playing along side cheaters that kill the trade economy and make it impossible to be on the leaderboards - Let them have their 5 minutes to complain and leave, they won't be missed.

    1. Lunchbox


      @VITOL, Patrick has stated that the event will be extended for however long the maintenance takes. 


      That being said, all the members of the new 100 Top Trainers thank you, Glorious Leader. :D

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  13. I'm currently ill so I don't know when I'll be back on.

    1. Lunchbox


      Or we'll hunt you down and MAKE you get well. 

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

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