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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by PokeMasterBary

  1. I’m interested in your rotom Pokédex
  2. Will do just offer it up on a unown and I can do it
  3. Would you do a offer of me training some exp on your Pokémon for if not how much exp/(whatever else you do)for him
  4. Is that how much exp you want for him or you want me to train 600k on a Pokémon for you because I think either I might be able to do
  5. How can I get good amounts of exp like for example which trainers should I use I have some because I have a exp shop and if anyone want to pm ig IGN-PokeMasterBarry
  6. Yeah I made one and you can go there and make a offer or pm ig my ign-PokeMasterBarry
  7. Welcome to PokeMasterBarrys Training EXP Shop This is a thread for training Pokémon if you would like me to do a job either comment On here or pm ig ING-PokeMasterBarry enjoy your day And have a good one P.s if we do make a deal make a off on the unowns not the other Pokémon And for the first few 1 mil exp for 2.5 if that sounds like a good deal let me know and if not let me know what sounds like good offers Offers All Unique ATM (300k-450k) All Regular ATM (200k-300k) That is PER A POKÉMON on training For Trade Regular x2x2 Mans maybe for Trade has to be a good deal Dark Mystic Metallic Shadow Mans now I’ll be turning this in to a Hunting Shop so if you want me to do a job let me know down below Rates Unique (500-600k) Normal (300-400k) and that’s per Pokemon
  8. What would you want for I can train on some of your Pokémon as well if you want
  9. How do you do that because I might do that
  10. Got some good ones pm in game and we can try to work out a offer ign-PokeMasterBarry
  11. How do you train up so much exp on Pokémon
  12. How do you get so much exp on these guys
  13. How can I create a forum
  14. I can maybe help if you want I can put some small pokes uft and get exp on these if you want and if not that’s fine
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