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Everything posted by jesterv786

  1. That's too expensive I want big offers for it
  2. Look my poke in game and text me what poke you want in game
  3. Look ppl go and ask people you trust , not kids Like ursawarrior or syphx , then you'll know
  4. Thebedpotato gives shiny legendaries for 15 immunes This is unfair in comparison 🤷🏻‍♂️
  5. So you bought that It's 4m max 😌
  6. Oh how could have I known that Lol
  7. Shiny Arceus events are 10 times worth more than shiny eevee
  8. Even ? If yes contact me I'll add more and
  9. The poke you're asking sells for 1.6m sells for almost 3m and sells for 1.2m Your poke aren't worth that much Except I'm just saying don't do unfair trades
  10. If it's a cosmog promo code , you can get a necrozma with 200k to 300k different maybe but if it's a cosmog non-promo poke , you need 2 and some 100k pds to balance the price If it's solgaleo or lunala you need like 3 to get a necrozma because evolutions decrease the choice and price too
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