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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Firegolem47

  1. Is there anything that intrests
  2. Look at my trade topic trade hub and see if anything interests you
  3. Yes ok. Its 69205 Dont do uniques, eevee isn't a starter, but I can do the NORMAL pichu 150k and ok
  4. Hi I'm firegolem47 and I have never gotten a cosmog. Hoping I'll get a first.
  5. Hey I had an idea that we could make an event with all the exclusive pokes like . Also you should make a chance for mystery boxes. Like first it starts at 500k and every time you buy one it goes up by 200k. That way you dont have to pay 2.5 mil for a box that holds things that are worth 500k also it should be a public event not one where you have to get a event ticket. Also you should make legendarys appear more often because every time you accidentally pass on it takes you another like 300 moves to find another one. And even if you find a legendary you could only sell it for 50000. The event will draw more people into the game. I promise. Hopefully you like the idea. If somebody reads this except patrick and you like it put a upvote. If you dont like the idea put a sad emoji Plz like I am trying to get patrick to do this
  6. Hey I had idea that we could make an event with all the exclusive pokes like . Also you should make a chance for mystery boxes. Like first it starts at 500k and every time you buy one it goes up by 200k. That way you dont have to pay 2.5 mil for a box that holds things that are worth 500k also it should be a public event not one where you have to get a event ticket. Also you should make legendarys appear more often because every time you accidentally pass on it takes you another like 300 moves to find another one. And even if you find a legendary you could only sell it for 50000. The event will draw more people into the game. I promise. Hopefully you like the idea. If somebody reads this except patrick and you like it put a upvote. If you dont like the idea put a sad emoji
  7. Hey you made a offer for the shamin sky a few days back and you offered some pokes. My answer is I would like the dialga and zygarde but if you cant I would like the zygarde and 10000 pd
  8. I have your lvl 100 pidgetto that will be 75000. Will you pay? I am trying to conserve comments so I'll be editing this one. I have listen the other pokeball and put another crappy poke up for trade.



    The one you requested in cheap starter hunter. You requested a pidgety bit i evolved it for you

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. inteleon


      How much with 10% Off?

    3. inteleon


      List the Pokeball up then I will list up a weak Pokemon (don't say crappy say weak)

    4. inteleon


      Bid and listed

  9. K I'll try but can you make it a + or just a for the metallic pidgety and the and the which is what I caught
  10. So can you trade me all 4 of those for a crappy poke and I will buy the crappy poke from you for 200000 so nobody outbids me plz also I will pay an extra 50k for me. To be the first delivered
  11. Reread my post. Max of for purchased pokemon but with the buy 2 get 1 free deal you get 6. Choose your 6
  12. Oh. I'm trying to conserve comments so I'm editing them. I'll put 1 of them for auction. Keeping the other. If you want some pokes go to my topic trade hub NEW POKES!
  13. ign firegolem47 and I accept the price as 200k
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