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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by iweimax0524

  1. hey guys, I won't be leaving vortex anymore sice I just remembered I can play on my phone an dI totalllay forgot about that😅

    1. nfl0


      lol im gonna leave vortex in september 2021 for the same reasons captaincam1 did (focus more on school) since my parents are really hitting down on grades so ill be a lot less active but not completely gone

    2. iweimax0524


      no it is caus eI am going to tawain where there is no wifi which noe that I rememberd my hone has it's own wifi.

    3. nfl0
  2. looking for these pokemons,absol,carvanha, deino.

    I wish mostly for inkay tho

    lv.6 only


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. nfl0


      usually i get taillow,pidgey,starly,murkrow,and zorua and their best moves at lvl 6 or 7  do about 40 damage

    3. iweimax0524


      try inkay so much damege on foul play

    4. nfl0
  3. if u do not have a username for showdown u may not enter
  4. I will like shiny mudkip we should tlk in-game
  5. so guys there is this player named dragonert. he used to  be my best friend until he said u suck and I am more famous so u lose. So if u fight him I will be on ure side now cause he is now my worst enemy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. iweimax0524


      ikr plus I bet only 2 people know him in this game me and his little brother lol

    3. nfl0



    4. iweimax0524
  6. those people who did not post the pics I just looked in ure profile so u guys are pasted. so far their are 11 players ONLY 5 more can join.
  7. yes, I do what is ure offer then
  8. get ready for some of u guys are chosen players I already giave 1 persent away their are mroe coming so don;t be suprised if I give u some thing radomly.


  9. I am looking for a exp trainer perfererd rates:



  10. oh and about that legends will be allowed becasue it will be radonized. the format will be a gen 1 random battle. if u do not know how to play showdown go on youtube. @red_wolf_ enterting?
  11. ok I will cheak ure profile and try to keep everything in one post to keep stuff from over flooding here is ure badges https://screenshoteasy.com/detail/0wev2oas7i https://app.prntscr.com/en/index.html to take screen shot fro the furture
  12. oh and the screen shot MUST inculde ure ign in the top left corner
  13. https://screenshoteasy.com/detail/ky6tvc69v2 vortex ign:Iweimax0524 showdown Ign iweimax0524 wanna be the very best enter this
  14. welcome to fourms

  15. cheak my trades and Mystic Mawile (Mega) is for u.

  16. like @xVx-Oreosaid we should stop hating this person.

    well u guys can keep on hating him but I am moving on BUT only once he truely with his heart repent.

    and do not say sorry

    1. ASHplayz


      stop bully i am truly sorry


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