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Pokémon Vortex


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Status Replies posted by iweimax0524

  1. Looking for EXP if possible. 

  2. Quote


    Hey guys r u ready for my Friday contest it’s gonna bumb with prizes 

    u know my contest will be hard and new

    best of luck and I know all of u r waiting for it

  3. I have bought 13 lottery tickets and if I don’t win I will rage

  4. I have bought 13 lottery tickets and if I don’t win I will rage

  5. zapdos (galarian)articuno (galarian)moltres (galarian)GALARIAN BIRDS!



  6. I am doing a giveaway for a Pokemon on Vortex. If you want to enter, reply to this topic saying, "I am in", and your Vortex Username. Your reward will be a surprise, and I will be giving it to you through trade. For all you know, you could get a level 10 Pidgey,Pidgey to a level 100 Arceus!Arceus

    Plz keep in mind, you will still have to accept my trade, or make a trade and I will give the Pokemon to you. If you make a trade, tell me which trade it is you want me to offer on. Thank you for your time, and I hope you have a wonderful day.

  7. in november 5th im do a challenge im make a new account and i have to complete all gyms all league battles all special battles and all side quest only having 6 pokemon and i cach any more pokemon after i have 6 pokemon even if its a wild necrozma

  8. in november 5th im do a challenge im make a new account and i have to complete all gyms all league battles all special battles and all side quest only having 6 pokemon and i cach any more pokemon after i have 6 pokemon even if its a wild necrozma

  9. This is my best luck route.    Route 12 and it connects from vortex citadel and upper steel mouth

  10. Is everyone doing good?

  11. Also in another account I own does anyone want to make a clan with me? We can work hard and try to make the clan in the top 100!

  12. Also in another account I own does anyone want to make a clan with me? We can work hard and try to make the clan in the top 100!

  13. Also in another account I own does anyone want to make a clan with me? We can work hard and try to make the clan in the top 100!

  14. Also in another account I own does anyone want to make a clan with me? We can work hard and try to make the clan in the top 100!

  15. Also in another account I own does anyone want to make a clan with me? We can work hard and try to make the clan in the top 100!

  16. bye I know for sure vortex will miss u so atleast pls come again every couple months and bye.:(

  17. I love all you guys thanks so much I hope you all succeed in life and be happy!



  18. Hope you cure from your fever.

  19. Hope you cure from your fever.

  20. This is a quick give away nothing else. Just post ure igns. the winner will recive a Metagross.pngI know this is a common one, but It is my first give away. leval 87. I willl be using a radomniser to diced the winner. goodluck!

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