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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by shoomania

  1. doesn't everybody think of red and cap like zamazenta and zacian, cap and iron man, red and blue

    or is it just me?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Captaincam1


      But you also have to take into consideration that Captain America was put into a machine that made him really strong before that he was a weakling.

    3. Fluffyz


      What about dades?

    4. Captaincam1
  2. i once got a promo code for ice stone in daily login and thought it was useless and didnt claim it🥲
  3. hah i knew you were going to come im a psychic muhahahahahaha
  4. i was confused i thought you said shadow greninja (ash) but it was the normal shadow greninja k, ok offer
  5. every pokemon in your account is up for trade right?
  6. are you accepting or not i feel like im invisible and thats not a good feeling to feel
  7. theyre not begging you for it or asking you for it they just hope that they win so you dont have to be so stressed out about it
  8. with that you can get mystic and maybe dark but you cant get shiny with that offer
  9. hhhhhheeeeeehhhhh im not even gonna try
  10. he just wants to steal peoples chances on making money very effective
  11. wait i was confused what your offer was can you just explain your offer more clearly only in words
  12. can you train TILL 2mil or because my poke already has some exp will you train the amount 2 mil ex. if my poke had 400,000 exp would you train it to 2,400,000? either way if your accepting then talk in game
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