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Pokémon Vortex


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Status Updates posted by waybig

  1. Marshadowacquired!

    Unown Sequence : Q F D W ? O V B C A T P X U R I J ! S M L N Y Z K 1 E G 0

  2. Just a few years ago, I hated sidequests and would never do more than 2 or 3 before getting tired of it.

    Then I changed my wifi router.

    > what >50mbps does to a mf

    genuinely the sidequests are so good for exp training

  3. The sprites of Pokemon vortex are absolutely beautiful. Just brilliant. Here are some of my favourite ones :

    Shadow Groudon (Primal)Shiny Groudon (Primal)Shadow Dialga (Origin)Shiny Dialga (Origin)Shiny Kyogre (Primal)Giratina (origin)

    That Primal Groudon one literally made me like the Pokemon a thousand times more

  4. I see the sprites of Paldea starters are here 🤠 pretty cool


  5. new maps are pretty wild😃

  6. whoa


    3 years since I last touched this game.


    7 years since I joined ! 


    Does anyone on here remember me?

  7. Everyone going bonkers over discord 🤯🤯

    Me, who does not use discord


  8. Did I seriously win 2 days in a row for wondering whether maps could have music? Thanks guys:)

  9. wow now the mascot of vortex is my avatar in game lol:^_^:

    1. Darshil_Irex


      srly its deoxys right

    2. waybig


      Not my forum avatar. My avatar in game is Deoxys

  10. I started Pokemon emerald again today. Felt Good

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. waybig


      Great! Though imo I prefer the X and Y games on 3DS. The original 2D games esp the ones on GBA are masterpieces imo 

    3. inteleon


      Do you have 3ds? What your friend code?

    4. inteleon


      I have X Y and ORAS and all poke 3ds games cause my 3DS is jailbreak

  11. Forget Dratinis, the Shiny Dialga which I lost in the data crash of 2016/2017 is back! welcome home Shiny Dialga

  12. Dratini Trifecta complete. 10:02 AM GST. Map events are bae

  13. mega evos are now a bigger flex than legends and certain events :S

  14. ok I'm sorry for the spam but I Just THANKED PATRICK below for the event..pop back on to the maps and D R A T I N I L I C

    Use this post as a thank you Patrick area

  15. Also side note Thanks @Patrickfor launching my favourite trio of events.

  16. I love how the dragon map looks like that Mt. Chimney in Emerald where we fight Maxie/Archie.

  17. Yo @Patrick how long is the dragon map going to last (please let it be permanent)

    1. Patrick


      Yes it’s permanent.

    2. porymon


      yay. .                             .

  18. Get. On. Vortex. Now

  19. If she ain't on I ghost

  20. Two Ho-oh, chillin' in a hot tub, five feet apart cuz

  21. 7.

    Thats how many unique ultra beasts I've had to skip so far.

    :BeastBall::BeastBall::BeastBall: I NEED THESEEEEEE

  22. Ho, chill, acting like ya got the chrome barrel pointed to my bone marrow :ph34r:

  23. Ok so Ash won the Alola League.










    event when


    1. Auke1993


      Will the event be called 'Counter the Counter'?
      That's something I could see happening, as it's not something possible in the games.

    2. Reaper525


      Wait. Ash won?Groudon

    3. aashish_hero2
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