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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Red_Conspiracy

  1. ??? You mean your giratina with volcanion for my two events?
  2. I will accept the deal if you put other Pokemon with the origin then.
  3. How much legends in your wishlist for your complete?
  4. I have 10 - 15 legends that you need in my trade thread. Tell me what you want and what Pokemon you will offer for it.
  5. All your normal non legendary Pokemon for my dark pika Xmas + zygarde partial?
  6. How much can you train for a volcanion?
  7. Unique kyreum forms? I can give you a metallic and shadow kyreum black?
  8. Partials? I can give you a normal partial + kyreum (black) + kyreum (white)
  9. Thx!!! Offer all the Pokemon to be the budew that is UFT at red_thunder!
  10. I need can I give you a mystic pop star, Unique pika Xmas of your choice, and a normal partial?
  11. No can I trade you something for your metallic Missingno.
  12. I want your shiny viv fancy. My mystic pop star, some other viv fancys, and if you want, partials and pika Xmas for it?
  13. Do you want a normal libre?
  14. Holy cow! Your so lucky! I didn't catch anything good yet today...
  15. Guys he is not listeing for some reason... So stop posting here. I think @sportsandmusic69, or @Patrick should close this topic.
  16. (10 mil) (10 mil) for all your eons? I want these:
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