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Alright, this is my list of legis Im willing to trade lets start with normals:
DeoxysGenesect Groudon LugiaLandorusTornadusManaphy(own 2)Xerneas (Active)(i own 2 probably only trading one) 

Now Uniques:

Dark Groudon(Traded)Mystic ThundurusShadow Zygarde

the only thing im gonna be picky about is the Shadow Zygarde becuase that was pretty rad to get, so i'd like something more worth i suppose for it, other than that i'll be pretty reasonable i have a large list of unique legis i'd like, id do two or three of the normals for one and id like to go 1 for 1 with my uniques, and like i said with zygarde i just want something that'll make me go like oh damn i gotta have that. lemme know ill be on here for a while, all the normals are up for trade, ill put the Uniques up when i have a deal for them :)

I also have a mega mewtwo X and mega mewtwo y but i offered them to someone else on the forum so ill wait for them to reply to that before i make them available

all events and fossil are welcome too if anyone was feeling that charitable, but obviously not expecting any of that

Edited by JaymzIsUS
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1 hour ago, JaymzIsUS said:

Alright, this is my list of legis Im willing to trade lets start with normals:
DeoxysGenesect Groudon LugiaLandorusTornadusManaphy(own 2)Xerneas (Active)(i own 2 probably only trading one) 

Now Uniques:

Dark GroudonMystic ThundurusShadow Zygarde

the only thing im gonna be picky about is the Shadow Zygarde becuase that was pretty rad to get, so i'd like something more worth i suppose for it, other than that i'll be pretty reasonable i have a large list of unique legis i'd like, id do two or three of the normals for one and id like to go 1 for 1 with my uniques, and like i said with zygarde i just want something that'll make me go like oh damn i gotta have that. lemme know ill be on here for a while, all the normals are up for trade, ill put the Uniques up when i have a deal for them :)

I also have a mega mewtwo X and mega mewtwo y but i offered them to someone else on the forum so ill wait for them to reply to that before i make them available

all events and fossil are welcome too if anyone was feeling that charitable, but obviously not expecting any of that

Really Interested in that Dark Groudon 

want a Dark Shaymin for it?

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59 minutes ago, JaymzIsUS said:

i looked at the in game dex Dark Shaymin has 1344, dark groudon has 1137, im gonna have to decline throwing in the normal groudon not gonna lie

Would you be open to throwing in any other normal legend in the deal?

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1 hour ago, GodsWithin said:

Would you be open to throwing in any other normal legend in the deal?

I Think the numbers speak for that. im gonna have to decline throwing in a normal legi, though it is tempting

however our first offer still stands if you wanna offer it

Edited by JaymzIsUS
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1 hour ago, GodsWithin said:

Hmm I just saw that there are only 790 of the Shadow Latios in the game compared to your Shadow Zygardewhich has 1300 in game. I'm gonna need Shadow ZygardeMystic Thundurus and Groudon for the Shadow Latios

yeah i looked to before that to, which is why i accepted it xD you like to bait switch, imma pass sorry bud

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1 hour ago, JaymzIsUS said:

yeah i looked to before that to, which is why i accepted it xD you like to bait switch, imma pass sorry bud

Nah not bait switch I just looked at the value after offering first so i changed me mind :) Can I get Shadow Zygarde and Mystic Thundurus for it?

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1 hour ago, GodsWithin said:

Nah not bait switch I just looked at the value after offering first so i changed me mind :) Can I get Shadow Zygarde and Mystic Thundurus for it?

i saw you looking at latios dex entry before the offer dude, im not a kid, wrong kind of hustle, sorry bud

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59 minutes ago, JaymzIsUS said:

no prblem, and if anything comes up feel free to let me know in game so we dont cloud up this forum, no bad blood

yea no bad blood mate! btw are any of your pokemon from your account for trade? I saw some i liked :) 

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