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Everything posted by JaymzIsUS

  1. Trading for other unique leggies i dont have. Also trading normal legends for 2 unique non legends that i dont have. Check my ign, same as my username here
  2. Im pretty sure i have more mystics, and shinys for sure, but i may have to check. In the meantime, can you give me the rates for this fossils?
  3. Offered! I may have more uniques and im interested in more fossils, but i see that you're going to finish some big deals. Do you want me to wait for the update list after those deals?
  4. Offered on the Shieldon, 6 uniques for the is a deal?
  5. Sure, tell me you ign so i can make the offers
  6. How many uniques you want for the and ?
  7. Trading for other Kyurem Black/White forms
  8. I'll take the Yveltal, offer pls
  9. Trading Looking for unique legends that i dont have
  10. Ign: JaymzIsUS Good song: The Unforgiven II - Metallica Good Anime: Bleach
  11. Hi! I have a with 500k , how many uniques non legends can i get for it?
  12. Its up Also, do you have uniques non legends that you're willing to trade for exp?
  13. Hey @VITOL are you interested in my with 900k for your and ?
  14. I'm looking for uniques that i don't have, i can offer some exp! Let me know if you're interested
  15. accepted, tks. i can do it the mew
  16. Sure, offer pls yeah, i have some spares in my trades,
  17. i'm trading and Looking for other unique legends Ign is JaymzIsUS
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