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VITOL Zygarde's thread (new)

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3 hours ago, VITOL said:

What I have UFT:

3xDark Zygarde (Cell)2xMetallic Zygarde (Cell)Mystic Zygarde (Cell)and a lot of Zygarde (Cell)

2xMystic Zygarde (Core)

Dark Zygarde (Partial)Metallic Zygarde (Partial)Mystic Zygarde (Partial)Shadow Zygarde (Partial)


Im looking for the same pokemon but in shiny (I need Shiny Complete). I´ll be updating this frequently

I want your normal cells. PM me...maybe we can strike a deal..

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10 hours ago, glaceon001 said:

What are your rates?


i wrote two sentences and one of them are the rates..

7 hours ago, Alex777 said:

I want your normal cells. PM me...maybe we can strike a deal..

u know i want shinies

2 hours ago, EagerRhino said:

20 zygarde normal cells for shadow partial?

tentative but no tnx 

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6 hours ago, Alex777 said:

Shiny Zygarde (Cell)i have this.

super! u know the rates so feel free to offer 


6 hours ago, porymon said:

Hi......I have a shiny core.Looking for unique completes or 5 shadow partials.

My IGN-porymon

i think you didn't get the flow of the event logic xD

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22 hours ago, verrattifan said:

2x Shiny Zygarde (Cell)1x Shadow Zygarde (Cell)and 1x Mystic Zygarde (Cell)for your 4x Metallic Zygarde (Cell)?



2 hours ago, cheguevara said:

how about a Mystic Zygarde (Cell) and a Metallic Zygarde (Cell)?

sorry im not interested i already have enough cells

Edited by VITOL
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