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Pokémon Vortex

Looking for Level 100 Pokemons

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Hello all,


So, I am trying to complete my pokedex. I know it will take me years and years to do so but let's see what happens lol.

Anyways, I am looking for pokemons I do not have yet (including variants) but they have to be at level 100.


PS. I am mostly looking for non-immune pokemons since I have most immune pokemons already.


My pricing is as follows...


----------My buying price for immune pokemons----------

Normal - 50k

Dark/Mythic/Metallic - 100k

Shadow/Shiny - 150k


----------My buying price for non-immune pokemons----------

Normal - 100k

Dark/Mythic/Metallic - 200k

Shadow/Shiny - 250k


Prices may vary depending on rarity of pokemon.



I am paying by pds OR if you are looking for legendaries, please follow the link below to take you to the list of legendaries I have for trade.



My IGN is zhon

I am better to contact in the game than in here. So please message me there and I will reply as soon as I can.

Happy Gaming all!

Edited by zhon
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