@Patrick or any mods i have a question. If a player illegitamitely trains a poke then trades/sells it. Then say the staff finds out that he was botting(the old owner) does the new owner have to forfeit the pokemon even if they did nothing wrong? It seems a bit unfair to legit players that train their pokemon legitametly just to have taken away from them because of the previous owner. I'm sorry if this is a dumb question.
@Patrick or any mods i have a question. If a player illegitamitely trains a poke then trades/sells it. Then say the staff finds out that he was botting(the old owner) does the new owner have to forfeit the pokemon even if they did nothing wrong? It seems a bit unfair to legit players that train their pokemon legitametly just to have taken away from them because of the previous owner. I'm sorry if this is a dumb question.
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