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For my holiday giveaway answer these questions and list your ign but it doesnt matter if u get the questions right or wrong


1) Favorite unique variant

2)  favorite  legendary duo/trio       Ex)latios and latias, entei and suicune and raikou

3)  best dragon type pokemon that is non-legendary

4)  favorite PV player

5)  best trainer in pokemon history

6) best pseudo legendary pokemon  


PRIZE: mewtwo (mega y) ARCEUS



1) shadow

2   latios and latias

3  dragonite

4   myself

5    cynthia or red i cant choose its just so hard

6  dragonite

Edited by nfl0
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2 hours ago, nfl0 said:

For my holiday giveaway answer these questions and list your ign but it doesnt matter if u get the questions right or wrong


1) Favorite unique variant

2)  favorite  legendary duo/trio       Ex)latios and latias, entei and suicune and raikou

3)  best dragon type pokemon that is non-legendary

4)  favorite PV player

5)  best trainer in pokemon history

6) best pseudo legendary pokemon  


PRIZE:Mewtwo (evolution)



1) shadow

2   latios and latias

3  dragonite

4   myself

5    cynthia or red i cant choose its just so hard

6  dragonite

1 dark

2 zacian /zamazenta

3 agreed its dragonite

4 captaincam1 

5 ash 

6 dragonite 

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Dark                                                                                                                                                                          Zacian/Zamazenta                                                                                                                                          Garchomp                                                                                                                                           





Edited by Poce
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9 hours ago, nfl0 said:

For my holiday giveaway answer these questions and list your ign but it doesnt matter if u get the questions right or wrong


1) Favorite unique variant

2)  favorite  legendary duo/trio       Ex)latios and latias, entei and suicune and raikou

3)  best dragon type pokemon that is non-legendary

4)  favorite PV player

5)  best trainer in pokemon history

6) best pseudo legendary pokemon  


PRIZE:Mewtwo (evolution)



1) shadow

2   latios and latias

3  dragonite

4   myself

5    cynthia or red i cant choose its just so hard

6  dragonite



my answers


2)ho-oh&lugia(tower duo?)

3)garchomp or flygon


5)cynthia or mayline 

6)dragapult or salamence 

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22 hours ago, nfl0 said:

For my holiday giveaway answer these questions and list your ign but it doesnt matter if u get the questions right or wrong


1) Favorite unique variant

2)  favorite  legendary duo/trio       Ex)latios and latias, entei and suicune and raikou

3)  best dragon type pokemon that is non-legendary

4)  favorite PV player

5)  best trainer in pokemon history

6) best fdbdg





1) shadow

2   latios and latias

3  dragonite

4   myself

5    cynthia or red i cant choose its just so hard

6  dragonite


2the 3 legendary birds(moltres,articuno,zapdos)





ign greendragonminecraf

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On 12/13/2020 at 6:39 AM, nfl0 said:

For my holiday giveaway answer these questions and list your ign but it doesnt matter if u get the questions right or wrong


1) Favorite unique variant

2)  favorite  legendary duo/trio       Ex)latios and latias, entei and suicune and raikou

3)  best dragon type pokemon that is non-legendary

4)  favorite PV player

5)  best trainer in pokemon history

6) best pseudo legendary pokemon  





1) shadow

2   latios and latias

3  dragonite

4   myself

5    cynthia or red i cant choose its just so hard

6  dragonite


2)if pokemon vortex Dratinice,Dratinire,Dratinilic

if not Kyogre,Groudon,Rayquaza

3)charizard (mega x)

4)asdertf and Naveen5546




hope i would win 

happy holidays!!!!

Edited by k.vishalpoke
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On 12/12/2020 at 5:09 PM, nfl0 said:

For my holiday giveaway answer these questions and list your ign but it doesnt matter if u get the questions right or wrong


1) Favorite unique variant

2)  favorite  legendary duo/trio       Ex)latios and latias, entei and suicune and raikou

3)  best dragon type pokemon that is non-legendary

4)  favorite PV player

5)  best trainer in pokemon history

6) best pseudo legendary pokemon  





1) shadow

2   latios and latias

3  dragonite

4   myself

5    cynthia or red i cant choose its just so hard

6  dragonite

1) Mystic

2) Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina

3) Garchomp

4) R3Z (myself)

5) Cynthia or N

6) Garchomp or Tyranitar

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