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Pokémon Vortex

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Yo all.


First idea is for the beast ball to be moved up above where the pokeball is or have 2 to 3 warnings before one is used (Yes i accidently used one 8 months ago so i ragequit).


Second is event pokemon.

I saw people chatting about event pokemon going into those p2w mystery boxes which to me is unfair to people that join the game at a later date or don't have irl money to spend on a Pokemon game.

Keep those Pokemon within those mystery boxes but also have a week or two every year where you throw every event mon onto the maps, Having two weeks would mean you could split up which event mons you put out per week. 


Third idea.

Being able to directly sell stuff to people instead of using the round about way of trading and then having to use the auction to get your money.

Very surprised that this hasn't been implemented already, would just be a nice qol update for people.


Last idea is the forums.

Why is it so hard to find guides on here? why is everything not stickied that needs to be? 

Last idea is to make the forums more welcoming for new and returning players, sticky guides that need to be stickied, why is the trading rules in a whole different rules thread and not stickied within the trading thread? 


Thanks for reading


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Will comment little regarding ideas.
1st idea. I agree, used several as well. Would do just find without any warning, but some space between button and ball selection would be great.
2nd idea. Event pokemons that are added in mbs, you can get without buying them for real money... There are lot of players that sell those pokemons or promo codes for "cheap" in pokebay. So everyone has chance to get them and there is no pokemon that has been released that is unobtainable for new players.


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4 hours ago, ImmortalDarkCrow said:

Will comment little regarding ideas.
1st idea. I agree, used several as well. Would do just find without any warning, but some space between button and ball selection would be great.
2nd idea. Event pokemons that are added in mbs, you can get without buying them for real money... There are lot of players that sell those pokemons or promo codes for "cheap" in pokebay. So everyone has chance to get them and there is no pokemon that has been released that is unobtainable for new players.


That's fair, i just know a lot of people on other games that go for their own OT so that's another thing. Either way, just another way for people to get old event mons

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