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Status Updates posted by Daenerys50

  1. So I have been searching for two days now and haven't come across a core. Neither a unique cell. Damn why you gotta be so rare. :(

  2. So now I have done SQs endlessly just to get another Ice Stone. Not bad but it would be nice to get a few Beast Balls. A single Beast Ball prize should be removed from the pool of prizes for the final SQ region. 

    1. xMasterKevz_07


      .. aand here I thought 10 b.balls was a guaranteed reward from the last SQ. :/

  3. So the event is still running, I wonder for how much more longer. Been able to get four of the variants of Arceus (Water) which isn't too bad.

  4. So there is about to be a new event on PV and I am flying out tomorrow. I cri. Anyway it could happen after the 21st Feb. 

  5. Some weird thing just happened, so I was battling a pokemon and decided to open Discord in another tab. Then when I went back to PV it had this message (similar to the one you get when you refresh the page during a battle) so I clicked continue and it said I had lost the battle when that is in no way possible cause I still had five other pokemon. @Patrick one loss needs to be deducted from profile. 

  6. The difficulty level of this event is beyond hard. For the rest of the run of this event can cells and cores be found on the same maps. Like both can be found in the day grass maps or night grass maps atleast?

  7. The hunt for cores continues. 

    1. Raghuthechamp


      yeah best of luck 

    2. Raghuthechamp


      Zygarde (Core)we want to catch you

  8. This event has been a lot of fun, even though I skipped 7x Normal, 1x Shiny, 2x Shadow, 2x Metallic & 1x Dark Arceus (Ice) (Gutted about skipping the Metallic because that is the only one I didn't end up being able to catch). Thank you @Patrick for a fun filled week on V4.

    1. VITOL


      jeez dude change ur way of searching slow down or smth, did u release the finger from the arrow key?

    2. Daenerys50


      I know I skip a lot. Not on purpose though, I try going as slow as possible and then end up getting frustrated so I go faster. Oh wells.

  9. Tragic that I won't be in town for the upcoming event.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Patrick


      Winter is coming.

    3. v3567
    4. Daenerys50


      Yes I will be in Westeros real soon (Cersi better keep her eyes open). Winter is already here and the long night is fast approaching. 

  10. Tragically skipped a shiny core.

    1. rishivojjala014-2


      i know that feel bro :')

    2. Raghuthechamp


       i also know that feel i missed arceus , mettalic rayquaza, kyurem , 4 zekrom and 6 reshirams

      in my RaghutheDanger

  11. Yay! Finally found a core. Happy days.

  12. You get all excited thinking the event is going to start tomorrow only to find it that it will actually start on the 9th Feb. However the quiz on discord is pretty entertaining. 

    1. eurstin
    2. v3567


      Watching the salt and butthurt is more entertaining than the quiz :P

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