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About JaymzIsUS

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    Rising Star
    Rising Star
  • Birthday 08/24/1997

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  1. well great, i decide to sleep finally and the event ends, all it acomplished was ruining the value of 2 legis completely one of which is the one unique to the game, and waste three days with hardly any sleep, its bs, im probably taking a break from this for a bit cause that experience might have just ruined this for me, atleast left a sour taste in my mouth.

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    2. Deathbane210


      yea but a legendary i can find now in like 15min, it was insane in v1 or v2 when i started because it was azelf, azelf, azelf, kyogre XDD in a 1hour,  crazy legend luck, but i didnt play for a couple years so it i guessed was deleted ;-; rip spikey eared shadow pichu, and i mean the old purple glow same colored but a tint darker shadows we had which i admit i missed, only one like these shadows were a special shadow lugia. so yea, i guess i just had pure luck

    3. JaymzIsUS


      i wouldnt say i didnt enjoy the event, but like, now there is zero chance there will be a rotom pokedex with the OT as: "JaymzIsUS" and that sucks, i dont even want to trade to get one, i just wanted one with my name on it xD, i dont even think thel ength of the event was the problem, the notice if anything, like i keep an eye on the event calender and i dont remember seeing it put there, i only figured it out when i went to my dashboard on accident and realized ive been playing for 6 hours while an event was going on.
      and yeah i think some legi's should be diminished in value over time and i dont see a problem with it being zapdos, but with drakrown its kinda like, a mascot almost for whats cool about this game and now it feels just on par with everything else? idk, i mean its not like it has a good moveset for maybe making that a legi beginners can get easily seems fair. none the less sorry to sound ungrateful for the work that you put into the event, i'll do better to catch some luck on the next one

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