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Biscuitman last won the day on August 11 2017

Biscuitman had the most liked content!


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About Biscuitman

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  • Birthday 12/23/1994

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  1. That would be great, happy to give you a good deal for it, let me know what you want in return.
  2. Sorry I don't need Metallic Articuno, already got him.
  3. Sorry mate already got Metallic Articuno, but definitely keen to trade if you get any of the others I need on the first post.
  4. Thanks mate, have placed the offers.
  5. Yeah that's a deal, you could offer them in 3 separate trades and I'll accept them all at once, if you're happy to do that. Not sure if there's a better way?
  6. Sounds good, feel free to make the offers, all of mine are UFT.
  7. Sorry I don't think that would be fair with Cosmog or Solgaleon, but you can pick a different one. Thanks, I don't need those now but may let you know if I do in future.
  8. That's fine, which ones do you want?
  9. Sure, Shiny Tornadus is UFT. Please go ahead.
  10. Sorry, don't need Dark Mew anymore, but would trade Dark Palkia for a different Unique Legendary on my wanted list. Thanks, will take a look.
  11. Thanks, have accepted the Shadow Groudon and Metallic & Dark Arceus trades, but had a better offer for the Shadow Solgaleo from someone else.
  12. Sounds good to me, they are UFT on my account Biscuitman if you want to make offers.
  13. Hello and welcome to my trade thread. I am only looking for Gen. 1 Pokemon as I'm aiming to complete that segment of the Pokedex first. Please see below what I have up for trade and feel free to make an offer! Up For Trade Special Legendaries Normal Legendaries Other Looking For
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