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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by HelpMeBeTheBest

  1. ok so offer on my Nosepass then u put back my Nosepass on ur trade
  2. offer one pokemon on my Nosepass then when i finish ill put it up on trade then u offer another pokemon on ur pokemon we will need to do this 12 times
  3. guess the number rules wright your in game name pick a number between 0-100 you can only say the number 2 times there will be 3 winners and the price first training 12 pokemon of your choose second training 9 pokemon of your choose third training 6 pokemon of your choose
  4. can someone exp train for very low price?
  5. why do ice stone cost so much
  6. what happens to banned trainers pokemon pd and items?
  7. exp training i want pokemon or pd 100k exp - 100kpds - 4 unique pokemon i dont have 200k exp - 200kpds - 8 unique pokemon i dont have
  8. will pokemon be able to hold random items in the future?
  9. i have an idea for the event so i was thinking lots of new people r joining the game but they dont get to take part in old event like i didnt get to take part in rotom pokedex event the event took place before i even played this game so the event is going to be all event pokemon will spore 2 times as often during day and night across all maps but all legendary pokemon and all ultra beast which r not event pokemon will not spore eg mewtwo wont spore on maps but mewtwo (evolution) will.
  10. @akikaze offering: i want: Deoxys (Attack)
  11. i want shiny pokemon with 1.000.000 EXP but i dont have any thing good.
  12. hi i have these 4 shiny for trade what will u give me for them?
  13. ye and the lowest on auction is $22,222,222 and i dont think anyone would trade it to me because i have nothing good enough
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