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Everything posted by shakymajor

  1. shakymajor


    what do want for and check my ign shakymajor
  2. i have both check my pokemon to see what i have
  3. i already have both i'll check your pokemon
  4. thank you for this giveaway ign shakymajor
  5. Salamence or Decidueye ign shakymajor
  6. what for the zubat i missed the event I can give you a
  7. i've had these pokemon for a while and I don't know what to do with them so I'm putting them up for trade(i have 3 and I'm putting up 2 of them) and that's about it. I will add more pokemon eventually
  8. i've had these pokemon for a while and I don't know what to do with them so I'm putting them up for trade(i have 3 and I'm putting up 2 of them)
  9. thank you everyone i finally got all three of them but i'm still open if you have one to offer
  10. I'll give you fletchling, Sandile, swablu, and gible for dark mew
  11. ok of course um can you be more specific
  12. ok this might take awhile though sorry
  13. I'll hunt for anything except for event pokemon. you can trade or pay your choice. the time depends on your order so sorry if it takes too long. if your trading I'm interested in , , , , , and more. the form doesen't matter. thank you
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