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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Starlow

  1. I have a zamazenta. what do you want to trade for it? *other than the other dog because I already have it, forgot it's name
  2. rillaboom is the event Pokemon??? I can't evolve it further then that and it shouldn't make a difference unless I'm just not realizing it, also ign is the same as poke forums name.
  3. maybe add tiny bit though, (preferably a shiny or some PD
  4. ok, I'll put the groudon and rillaboom (sry it got evolved) up for trade.
  5. once again, I feel like this is unfair considering the fact they are both legendaries and the shadow being a 25% chance.
  6. what do you want from the list?
  7. kinda feel like it's unfair considering the fact that shadow groundon is a 25% chance along with the being a legendary, maybe something else? sorry about this.
  8. you decide as long as it's not under.
  9. Side Note: If it is not one of the "wanted" things i will not trade for it. ALSO DO NOT OFFER YOUR NORMAL LEGENDARY FOR SHADOW, SHINY VARIANT ONES. IT IS AN INSTANT NO. Selling: Legendary: Starter: 3x5x Others:2x Event: Pokemon With EXP: 448k- 315k- 274k- 515k- 132k- Wanting To Trade For: Event Pokemon, Shadow/Shiny/Dark Legends, Any Ultra Beast, Fossils/Fossil Pokemon, & Promo Codes. Closed Again... Stay Safe And Reach For Your Dreams!!!
  10. Doing well IG, Birthday Is Tommorow so, wish you all a good day ;)

    1. Captaincam1


      Happy early birthday lol

  11. Consider it done I’ll put up the sobble and pay for the rest on pokebay
  12. Okie I have Magmar for the training and trading Ok but 20m is a big amount so it may take a while.
  13. no but I have a shiny one if that would do
  14. I’ll try my best but it could take time
  15. to pay for it Auction ID: #0004679685
  16. Ig name is the same. I put up magmar's for the training. Stay Safe And Reach For Your Dreams!!!
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