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Pokémon Vortex


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About Pronegi

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  • Birthday April 4

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  1. Can anyone tell me where is nightshade cryht where halloween syther spawn
  2. 50 I guess Cause 100 is alway more than a zekrom u know I will put zekrom on trade
  3. Ok how much money for palkia
  4. Hi, Pronegi, can I be your pokemon catcher?

  5. Ok bro I will pay on it Hey bro u said u want 90k for it but u put poke ball for 100k but I still payed so now deal is done And how much u want for palkia or I can offer groudon for it or darkrai
  6. Hey bro I can't find ur poke ball on poke bay
  7. <content removed> Please read the trade rules before creating a trade thread.
  8. u will put it on pokebay??
  9. What can I offer for resiraim
  10. Hello guy I made this thread because when I saw the old community trading thread I was shocked by no. Pages in that thread And I find if very difficult to find what I need and what is can sell or trade So , if u guy want then u can use this thread but I don't think this thread will be good a old ( old is good 👍) but I think atleast som player find this useful so thanks for reading enjoy life it is shorter than u think . Bad Time is always here but good time only comes sometimes, try to enjoy it much as u can --- °^° ^-^ ^°-°^
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