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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Alex777

  1. Looking for and ....offering shiny legends including . also offering unique cells.
  2. I currently don't have much unique cells. but i wanted your normal cores...PM me maybe we can strike a deal....
  3. what will you give for metallic core/
  4. Can you come on the chatroom, we can talk easily there...
  5. currently i don;t have any forms of entei...check my ign and tell if you want something else..IGN- Alex777 .. also i am looking for 4 normal cores.
  6. Your 2 Normal Zygarde Cores for my 30 unique Pokemon that you don't own? Also I can trade normal cells with rate- 1normal cell- 1 unique that you don't have.
  7. I can offer 10 unique legends whichever you want. PM me
  8. I need your normal core. I can offer Unique shiny legends for it. Pls reply
  9. ign- Alex777 thanks for the giveaway btw, the spelling for Giveaway is wrong. you have typed " Awesome Givaway "
  10. Hi Everyone! Since the Zygarde event is going on I have my Zygarde partial with quite a few offers on it I am mainly looking for exp....so if anyone can give me an idea about how much is a normal partial worth in exp
  11. I'm sorry. I have a offer of 4 normal cells for my 1 mystic one. If you are willing to offer more, then i will consider your offer.
  12. Offering mystic zygarde cell. looking or normal cells.
  13. Okay sorry. Btw want to swap your normal cell for my mystic one ?
  14. I want your normal cells. PM me...maybe we can strike a deal..
  15. Wanna trade your Zygarde cells?
  16. Basically its not a event. Its just you are helping vortex develop V4 and they give you a pokemon in return for your help.
  17. He got it by spiriting for pokemon vortex. Its not catchable...
  18. Wanna do a swap..2 normal cells for my shadow one?
  19. 'llI pass too.I got a offer of a shadow landorus on it.
  20. Currently i only have one..but i can pair it up with shiny unqiues and legendaries.
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