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1 hour ago, Agent_ said:

Im trading Metallic Shieldonfor 7 - 8 unique legendaries. Its UFT on Agent_ so just offer (if I like legends I'll accept).

If you look at my list on this forum, you can have 7-8 of the normal legis for that sheldon, id be down maybe the others as well

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1 hour ago, ShadowDragon20 said:

Looking for Unique versions of Chimchar/evos:

Shiny ChimcharMetallic ChimcharMystic ChimcharShadow Chimchar

Shiny MonfernoMetallic MonfernoMystic MonfernoShadow Monferno

Shiny InfernapeMetallic InfernapeMystic InfernapeShadow Infernape

I'm new to the forums so if you have one or more, check me or tell me what you'd like for it/them please as I don't really know what they're worth :)

i have a shadow Chimchar,
Eh you dont have alot..imma put it up for trade you can go ahead and offer what you want it, my treat

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1 hour ago, ShadowDragon20 said:

Like I said, I don't really know what they're worth so could you give me a price and I'll see what I have?

its up for trade, its free, please enjoy
there is about 2700 shadow chimcahrs, so its pretty rare, so dont go trading it for any bs, but go ahead and have it

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1 hour ago, azuredragon said:


I wont take advantage of you like ^ . Would you want the shadow latios for ur shadow zygarde? :) 

honestly, hell yeah i think thatd be great, thank you very much, username same as on here its UFT whenever youre ready

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1 hour ago, JaymzIsUS said:

its up for trade, its free, please enjoy
there is about 2700 shadow chimcahrs, so its pretty rare, so dont go trading it for any bs, but go ahead and have it

Buddy. Since you are new I would like to tell you one thing. SHADOW CHIMCHARS ARE NOT AT ALL RARE.  They can be obtained anytime and are normal pokemon..

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1 hour ago, Alex777 said:

Buddy. Since you are new I would like to tell you one thing. SHADOW CHIMCHARS ARE NOT AT ALL RARE.  They can be obtained anytime and are normal pokemon..

yeah not rare compaired to like shadow phione, but its generally rare, alright there are 9900 xerneus' in the game, you can chill, its considerablly rare for a non legi

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3 hours ago, JaymzIsUS said:

yeah not rare compaired to like shadow phione, but its generally rare, alright there are 9900 xerneus' in the game, you can chill, its considerablly rare for a non legi

Man.....why are you not able to understand me... Check out the thread for the rates of uniques and legendary sand you will understand. Legendaries are rare to find. These are common pokemon and can be found anywhere. No. Of Xerneas is higher in the game because - 1) it's a legendary. 2) People like it since it is rare and is not found in every 2-3 steps like a chimchar or any other common pokemon. Hope you get my point.

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1 hour ago, Alex777 said:

Man.....why are you not able to understand me... Check out the thread for the rates of uniques and legendary sand you will understand. Legendaries are rare to find. These are common pokemon and can be found anywhere. No. Of Xerneas is higher in the game because - 1) it's a legendary. 2) People like it since it is rare and is not found in every 2-3 steps like a chimchar or any other common pokemon. Hope you get my point.

fair enough, i suppose saying pretty rare when talking about non legis in general is mis leading, i guess what i meant was in the relm of no legis its fairly uncommon. my bad, its not like i was misleading the kid though i gave it to him. but no i get what youre saying my bad ill try and be more precise in the future

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1 hour ago, JaymzIsUS said:

fair enough, i suppose saying pretty rare when talking about non legis in general is mis leading, i guess what i meant was in the relm of no legis its fairly uncommon. my bad, its not like i was misleading the kid though i gave it to him. but no i get what youre saying my bad ill try and be more precise in the future

Don't worry, I wasn't misled. I understood what you meant, and I don't really plan on trading these Chimchar/evos once I get the full set anyway so it's cool :P

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1 hour ago, ShadowDragon20 said:

Don't worry, I wasn't misled. I understood what you meant, and I don't really plan on trading these Chimchar/evos once I get the full set anyway so it's cool :P

im glad, and ill let you know if i come across any more for your set bud

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12 hours ago, JaymzIsUS said:


 Shadow Zygarde


I'm really interested in your Shadow Zygarde. I have these to offer if you're interested in one of them? Shadow Ho-ohShadow LatiasShadow Shaymin (Sky) If neither of them catch your eye, feel free to check out the rest of the pokemon I have. My ign is the same as on here. 

My bad, I just saw that someone else beat me to it. Never mind! : )


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5 hours ago, Loki said:

I'm really interested in your Shadow Zygarde. I have these to offer if you're interested in one of them? Shadow Ho-ohShadow LatiasShadow Shaymin (Sky) If neither of them catch your eye, feel free to check out the rest of the pokemon I have. My ign is the same as on here. 

My bad, I just saw that someone else beat me to it. Never mind! : )


yeah sorry :P im trying to keep the list up to date my b if it wasnt

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I have Kyurem (Black) and Kyurem (White) for trade. (LIMITED AMOUNT)

Looking for ANY type of Arceus, landorus, thornadus, thundurus, genesect, deoxys and rotom. Pm me your offer or just offer on ign: Squamato. ps: the more you offer the bigger the chance of accepting


Im also offering legys. i have :


VirizionMewArticunoHeatranShadow Xerneas (Active)Shadow MespritMetallic LatiasDark MoltresDark TerrakionDark ZygardeCelebiGiratinaTerrakionLugiaLatias

Im offering very generously for the pokes i seek, so please pm me to work out a deal! :) 

Edited by Lightning_Angel
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