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Pokémon Vortex

Caught Ball/Seasonal Hunting

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First Idea - Adding ball type to already captured icon shown while roaming the maps
When you are roaming the map and you come across something you've caught you get this lil' boy right here Gi4aLeg.png
What i propose is that based on the ball that is shown in the PokeDex sidebar panel for mons you have registered. A corresponding caught ball icon is shown to match.

Say if you come across a rare unique you've caught. You can know straight away what ball you have it in already and whether you would like to maybe change that without having to scroll through and check or open the all Pokemon tab and find it. It also brings a more uniqueness to a long hunt and allow you to keep track of more Pokemon you may want to recapture other than what you're looking for.

Here is some mock-ups I've made to show what it could be like in game.
Gi4aLeg.png fl1fYu0.png H1cqOIJ.png yIsF6ir.png 
WpqZyDd.png OlertX2.png KtFYER4.png cFxbhOs.png
7gij9Q5.png tJ6m0UR.png 

Also, if in future there were a release of new Pokeballs into Vortex I could create more as exampled below.



Second Idea - Colour coding for Pokemon already caught in the season
When you are hunting for seasonals it can be hard to keep track of what you've already caught as your tally grows bigger. For this I propose a setting in the Options sidebar panel disabled by default, in which the name of the Pokemon you come across will be highlighted if you won't earn any points from catching it. This would be helpful from having to manage inventories of multiple accounts to keep track of things and let you focus on catching and exp training. The option being toggled off would be so that A) The majority of players who don't know much/anything about seasonals get confused and start asking lots of questions, and B) Then only the select group that do grind for seasonals can enable it and disable it as they need. (eg. taking a break for a season).



Let me know what you think of these ideas and how/if they would be beneficial to you. Thank you for your time.

Edited by SpheX
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2 hours ago, SpheX said:

First Idea - Adding ball type to already captured icon shown while roaming the maps
When you are roaming the map and you come across something you've caught you get this lil' boy right here Gi4aLeg.png
What i propose is that based on the ball that is shown in the PokeDex sidebar panel for mons you have registered. A corresponding caught ball icon is shown to match.

Say if you come across a rare unique you've caught. You can know straight away what ball you have it in already and whether you would like to maybe change that without having to scroll through and check or open the all Pokemon tab and find it. It also brings a more uniqueness to a long hunt and allow you to keep track of more Pokemon you may want to recapture other than what you're looking for.

Here is some mock-ups I've made to show what it could be like in game.
Gi4aLeg.png fl1fYu0.png H1cqOIJ.png yIsF6ir.png 
WpqZyDd.png OlertX2.png KtFYER4.png cFxbhOs.png
7gij9Q5.png tJ6m0UR.png 

Also, if in future there were a release of new Pokeballs into Vortex I could create more as exampled below.


I'm agree with your idea

Thanks @spheX

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