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Heart training

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16 minutes ago, Ruby123654 said:

can you train my alt acc greninja??

rn im working on 3 greninja im almost done,i could train urs for a specific price if you want tho,cuz ill be grinding for a lot of days and im trying to get pokecoins so its fine if i train urs for a specific amount 

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44 minutes ago, CandyCotton said:

can you train my greninja tomorrow bc rn its a frokie im gonna evolve it first

i can C: with my 3 other greninja ill do all day 3-5 hours per day. u only need to give a small sum 

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3 hours ago, darkenmoor11 said:

rn im working on 3 greninja im almost done,i could train urs for a specific price if you want tho,cuz ill be grinding for a lot of days and im trying to get pokecoins so its fine if i train urs for a specific amount 

How much??

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4 minutes ago, Zuzlocke said:

I can do it I just did it in 15 minutes for the last heart so I could help. You can offer me anything. Probably be done in 15- 20 minutes. Username is zuzlocke

lol?last heart easily done in like 5 mins shouldnt take u much lol

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