I wanted to ask what r editions of pokemon eg : 1st and 2nd , and is there a 3rd edition.
Does it mean that pokes with 1st edition r better than pokes of 2nd edition ? http://prntscr.com/hhtdzg
And is necrozma legendary poke or ultra beast ( cause in sun and moon its a legendary type poke and not UB so i was wondering if it can be caught without beast ball )
I wanted to ask what r editions of pokemon eg : 1st and 2nd , and is there a 3rd edition.
Does it mean that pokes with 1st edition r better than pokes of 2nd edition ? http://prntscr.com/hhtdzg
And is necrozma legendary poke or ultra beast ( cause in sun and moon its a legendary type poke and not UB so i was wondering if it can be caught without beast ball )
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