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About JaymzIsUS

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    Rising Star
    Rising Star
  • Birthday 08/24/1997

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  1. well great, i decide to sleep finally and the event ends, all it acomplished was ruining the value of 2 legis completely one of which is the one unique to the game, and waste three days with hardly any sleep, its bs, im probably taking a break from this for a bit cause that experience might have just ruined this for me, atleast left a sour taste in my mouth.

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    2. Deathbane210


      i expected tbh people to find crap tons

    3. Deathbane210


      because its usually 30min-1hr to find 1

    4. Patrick


      They were rarer than regular legendaries though @Deathbane210 That's the point. I really like the Rotom forms so I wanted them to remain rare.


      I can't tell if you're being sarcastic @Joshua Hambly Lol. I'm alright though, thank you very much. I'll stick with my one well earned Rotom :><:

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