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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Xelmon

  1. Why dont you make a special ball made only for fossils from sidequests?
  2. What would you want? :3 I don't have 2
  3. How about 20 unique pokemons? I can give you 6 unique pokemons.
  4. Please contact me on Xelmon with msg in game so we i can offer and you can pick. So ign: Xelmon
  5. k how much time u need to make 30 mill xp lol? And how do you train bots or urself?
  6. So u will train 30 mill xp for one unique jedi?
  7. lol sorry read it wrong hehehe
  8. Can i get 10 dark cells for 3 unique legends that u need?
  9. I am interested in 10 dark cells. Do u want legends or shiny non-legends for them?
  10. I dont have any unique cells left Do u want unique non-legends? I am looking to get dark partial or core for my cores or partials.
  11. Wow thanks. Are shadow ones okay for you? Since you dont want shiny's
  12. Thank you, but my pokemons are not lvl 100 yet. I dont know if you want them all to be lvl 100 but for that i will need some time since you added like all metallic ones i need.
  13. I I could train some but that would be 3 or 4 lvl 100s for one legend. And i will need time to train them.
  14. Do u want 150k xp or 7 uniques from my account?
  15. Looking for: Shadow Mystic Dark Shiny Metallic Offers for each unique: I can offer 5-8 unique pokemons from Xelmon account. Also might offer 100-200k xp but i will need to train it my self so that might take some time. I will also be adding legendary's on Xelmon ign trades.
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