Hey I want Dark Articuno , Dark Zygarde , Metallic Ho-oh , Metallic Mesprit , Metallic Moltres , Mystic Articuno , Mystic Entei , Mystic Terrakion , Shadow Raikou , Shadow Rotom , Shadow Shaymin , Shiny Azelf , Shiny Shaymin (Sky)
So for the 13 unique leggies above I can give cosmog(which is worth 3 unique legendaries) , Dark Groudon (which is worth 2 unique legendaries) , Shadow Giratina (which is worth 2 unique legendaries ) , Shadow mewtwo mega y (which is worth 2 unique legemndaries) and Mystic Omanyte /Mystic Aerodactyl (which is worth 4 unique leggies)
Since the deal is quite big , I will throw in 2 randomn unique leggies