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Pokémon Vortex


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junimo last won the day on December 7 2020

junimo had the most liked content!


34 Excellent


About junimo

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  1. have another giveaway?

  2. yep, go ahead, they're both yours - i'll accept your offers
  3. yep! go ahead and make an offer with any throwaway mon and it's yours
  4. sure thing, go ahead and offer a trash mon if you haven't already
  5. @Riocario @rizxtarr sure thing, go ahead and offer a trash pokemon
  6. I have sent you a frend recwest on the dash bord quis


  7. sounds good, make an offer on it it's up for trade, my ign is junimo
  8. If you have an active chat, after a certain number of unread messages the "new message" number in the corner will start to display wildly innaccurate numbers. See below - I'm not THAT popular 🙃 https://imgur.com/nteqplH This happens in chrome, but not edge. Haven't tried in explorer or firefox though. So maybe a browser specific issue? It's not a huge deal, just something you might want to be aware of. Edit: Ooh this is the best I've gotten yet https://imgur.com/1Ti9WaD
  9. Great! Just so you know though, it's a giveaway so you don't have to trade anything rare or valuable you can just offer a trash pokemon
  10. Yep, go ahead and make an offer!
  11. Make an offer on any of the mons you see in the list above - I'm putting them all up for trade now.
  12. I believe we have both of those - let me put them up for trade and then you can go ahead and offer a random trash pokemon
  13. Lol I think he has to be 16 for that, seriously though @cursed_charmander12 happy birthday!
  14. Sorry if this isn't the place to post this, but I have a handful of ideas for improvement that I wanted to share assuming they haven't been suggested already: Pokedex: It would be nice to make it so that it counts pokemon that you have owned rather than only the ones you currently own. IE, make it so that when you obtain a pokemon, that mon is added to your Pokedex for good and does not disappear when evolved, traded, sold, or released. This would help so much to avoid clutter when you're trying to sift through all your Pokemon. For example, if I catch a bulbasaur and then evolve it up to Venusaur, I shouldn't lose the dex entries for Bulbasaur and Ivysaur. On the flip side, if I've never owned a bulbasaur or ivysaur and trade for venusaur, only the venusaur should count toward my dex. For me personally, this is the only reason I haven't yet made it a goal to complete my Pokedex even though I really like collecting. I do still like the fact that different forms and event pokemon count as seperate entries and would love that to stay the same though! Feature Ideas: ⦁ Ability to make your own custom categories/sorts in "view all pokemon". For example, if I want to pull up all pokemon that I haven't yet fully trained/evolved, I could make a custom category, name it "Need Training", and then manually add/remove any mons I want to within that category, and the category "needs training" will show up as a new tab or something in the main "View Your Pokemon" screen. ⦁ Ability to click on other players in the map and have it bring up their profile automatically Small nitpicks: ⦁ Grammatical error in various screens with "it's" vs "its". For example in the "your [x] is at the final stage of it's evolution", could we remove the apostrophe?
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