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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by iweimax0524

  1. sorry for the late reply The winners are tunefist and Captaincam1 I will offer u a pokemon soon and for tunefist u asked what leval is it I will train one to leval 100. U two both have only 1 day left to claim ure prize
  2. It is a giveaway but only for people who are my friend or that is in The Infernals clan. Enter ure Ign to win. There will be more than 1 winner anther prize will be a and the final prize is a . GL
  3. thanks! offer me any pokemon on my trade section.
  4. todays give away is a post ure Igns. Their will be 2 winners this time.
  5. congrats u won put up a unless poke for trade
  6. Today I will be giving away a so post ure ings in.Good luck
  7. congrats u are the winner. put up a weak poke for trade and I will offer u by tomorrow finished
  8. From now one I will almost everyday post a giveaway. Todays giveaway is a . Good luck. post ure igns.
  9. ok 5 min left I will be usinghttps://namepicker.net/to find the winner.
  10. I have a shiny mega pinser
  11. This is just a quick give away this will end at 10:45. Just post ure igns in. I wil be giving away a :Is is a leval 70, good luck! FINSHED
  12. This is a quick give away nothing else. Just post ure igns. the winner will recive a Metagross.pngI know this is a common one, but It is my first give away. leval 87. I willl be using a radomniser to diced the winner. goodluck!

    1. Auke1993


      IGN: Auke1993

    2. iweimax0524


      ok Auke1993 won since nobody else put up there ign. I will offer u on a aron.

    3. Auke1993


      Thank you. I appreciate it.

  13. They are both uncommon just go to the unknown cave it is by starfall.
  14. I mean train your pkn team using the team that I just gave u then go battle in sidequests.
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