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Pokémon Vortex


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  1. Is there a pokemon encounters spreadsheet that i use? i want to know where i can find the rares, legendaries and UB
  2. Is this file deleted because i cant acces it
  3. does anyone k.now about when the clan depository is going to be released it is their but nothing is on the page yet
  4. what do you mean by just remember then name
  5. How is points for global and local top trainers calculated? Is it the same as seasonal top trainers?
  6. Why is it taking so long for the next event is there a big event coming up or are you developers going to release a v6 of Pokémon vortex because of the new clan depository or are like running short on devs or something?
  7. It would be so much better if there was button to filter like Pokémon types e.g. grass, water, fire etc. because if someone urgently needed a certain type of Pokémon, they wouldn't have to go through their list of Pokémon like people who just catches every Pokémon they see. This will cause them going through lots of pages to find a certain type of Pokémon wasting their time.
  8. For some reason i can't chat with one of my friends in the chat when he is online i can't see him in the chat. On his side he can see me in the when i am online but can't message me because it says i blocked him even though i didn't. Does anyone know how to solve this.
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