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Windows_Error last won the day on May 20 2024

Windows_Error had the most liked content!


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About Windows_Error

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  1. sorry about this report it was not a bug i was just dumb and did not know that you could keep the moves
  2. I also think that Lickilicky could be a could substitute for Snorlax (mega) you just to need to buy the moves
  3. I was scrolling through the local top trainers in australia when i saw this 94. Legend2774510 Points: 175,501 23,939,746 211,856 1,870 107 95. hemp Points: 172,346 29,754,671 39,779 3,773 370 hemp is higher than legend2774510 in every way like exp, battles and unique Pokémon. Is this a bug or is The top trainers calculation of points calculated in another way.
  4. You can't the gigantamax pokemon haven't been released yet for players.
  5. @Quintonboy1 you said a video example is coming so have you created one? if you have please give the link.
  6. i don't need a dark blastoise anymore
  7. ok thnxs for offering though
  8. <content removed> Please read the trade rules before creating a trade thread.
  9. Does anyone know when gigantmax's are going to be released other than in the season battle tower? Also does anyone know around when we can expect the clan depository and what exactly is the concept of it?
  10. Is there a pokemon encounters spreadsheet that i use? i want to know where i can find the rares, legendaries and UB
  11. Is this file deleted because i cant acces it
  12. does anyone k.now about when the clan depository is going to be released it is their but nothing is on the page yet
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