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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by glaceon001

  1. I can give 1 unique fossil and 3 unique legends for your Mystic arceus. Offer is negotiable.
  2. I have Icy snow, ocean, and sun.
  3. On the screen it reads ~ While v3 is still in beta, you cannot yet change attacks for Pokémon that begin with the letters: L, M or T. These will be added as soon as they're complete. Marill starts with M.
  4. Looking for a normal . Offering events.
  5. You can offer now since the game is back up.
  6. Yes, sorry but I haven't had it on my mind recently.
  7. Ok, I will put it UFT when vortex isn't DFM
  8. Vortex ifs DFM again :(. Ah, probably for a great reason tho ~=~

  9. LF ~ Dark, Mystic, or Shiny arceus.
  10. Yep, 100%. Read the FAQ on the event carefully, you should understand, or just read the event description really carefully.
  11. No, you will receive a Water Plate. You can then use it on any Arceus of your choice, even if you get one after you get the Water Plate.
  12. glaceon001 something with it (it doesn't matter what you write, just write something xD)
  13. What happened to your other account?

    1. 123Aman-2


      Which account r u talking about??

    2. glaceon001


      Didn't you have a forums account called 123aman?

    3. 123Aman-2


      yes I have but I cant able to log in idk why ?? 

      so I create this new acc....

  14. Yes. I have now put them all UFT.
  15. Bud... Ya gotta download the text or something because they aren't there.
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