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1 hour ago, GodsWithin said:

1 Shiny Legend for both the Scatterbugs?

Depends on which U want I have 3 If U want metallic and dark ok if shiny with other then No 

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1 hour ago, GodsWithin said:

great!! Hopefully trade will be up today so we can trade

Yes hope SOO too :D have a good day

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19 hours ago, Scheryar Saqib said:

looking For Mystic Mewtwo,Dark Mewtwo,Metallic Mewtwo

Offering Fossils, 2 mil exp (Altogther) if Separate 400 k for each  , other Unique leggies and unique no leggies about 10 for each :D

I got all of em and do you need Shiny MewtwoI want fossils for them! :)

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1 hour ago, EagerRhino said:

I got all of em and do you need Shiny MewtwoI want fossils for them! :)

I have already gotten shiny and mystic want metallic and dark I can give u Kabuto+Metallic Aerodactylplus 500 k exp?

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1 hour ago, EagerRhino said:

I got these,BTW I want Mystic Cradily

I cannot just  give Cradily away Fr 2 uniques please either increase number of uniques, or ask Fr something else. 

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On 6/22/2016 at 0:53 AM, manavsharma9231 said:

7 Unique Leggies for Metallic Lileep?

25 Unique leggies for Mystic Kyurem (White)?

Sorry, I am reserving the lileep for someone. As for the kyurem, how about 30?


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On ‎6‎/‎19‎/‎2016 at 2:48 PM, Kiwinugzfan said:

I can give you the 3 legys for the abra & trained poke. I'll offer when trade starts working :)


the Dark Woobat and Metallic Abra are UFT on GodsTrading

Before you offer, do u have any other shiny legend other than Shiny Genesect? I just realized I already have one?

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5 hours ago, GodsWithin said:

Actually can you add 2 uniques non legend Pokemon to the deal for the 2 unique legends?


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