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Hows everyone doing? :)

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I havent done many posts in Forums lately so here we go :) I hope everyone is doing awesome this month! But please tell me below what is something you hope to achieve before the next year? (Goals)


I would like to reach 100 million experience and help someone else achieve their goal! Happy Holidays everyone :D 

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13 minutes ago, Captaincam1 said:

I havent done many posts in Forums lately so here we go :) I hope everyone is doing awesome this month! But please tell me below what is something you hope to achieve before the next year? (Goals)


I would like to reach 100 million experience and help someone else achieve their goal! Happy Holidays everyone :D 

i would love new pokes such as necrozma dusk mane

eternatus eternamax etc

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45 minutes ago, Captaincam1 said:

I havent done many posts in Forums lately so here we go :) I hope everyone is doing awesome this month! But please tell me below what is something you hope to achieve before the next year? (Goals)


I would like to reach 100 million experience and help someone else achieve their goal! Happy Holidays everyone :D 

idk but my goal is to reach 100 million exp or just enough exp to beat you

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14 hours ago, Captaincam1 said:

I havent done many posts in Forums lately so here we go :) I hope everyone is doing awesome this month! But please tell me below what is something you hope to achieve before the next year? (Goals)


I would like to reach 100 million experience and help someone else achieve their goal! Happy Holidays everyone :D 

you know getting all my favorite pokes and stuff then exp train every single one of them to million exp just to prove everyone wrong that said i was never going to make it far in this game

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